Bird Watching with Sigma 150-600

Bird Watching with Sigma 150-600

Santa must have deemed me a good boy this year, because I got a new lens! I’ve always pined for a nice zoom lens, and now I’m so excited to have one in my toolkit.

I had to put it to work immediately with some bird watching to see what it’s capable of – and I haven’t been disappointed yet!

bluebirds sit on a birdhouse
These shy bluebirds, once out of my camera’s useful range, are strangers no more. Thanks Santa!

Case in point: I was able to sneak up on some beautiful bluebirds that were nesting in a birdhouse on a fence row. I’d have scared them off before I got close enough to get a decent picture with my 28-75mm Tamron f2.8.

bluebird flying by birdhouse
Bluebird soars past the house it nested in. Peek in the door and you’ll see a hungry chick!

It’s amazing how much more aware of the varieties of birds we have around our place since getting this lens. Woodpeckers are frequent visitors around our neck of the woods, and despite their flighty nature, I’ve been lucky to snag a few shots.

pileated woodpecker hangs onto the side of a pine tree
The pileated woodpecker frequents the pine trees around here.
northern flicker woodpecker looks into a hole in the side of a tree
Anybody home?
a woodpecker rests on a branch with part of an acorn in its beak

Overall, I’ve been more than happy with the results from this lens so far. For bird watching, the Sigma 150-600mm zoom does a great job as long as there’s adequate light.

bird perched on a branch

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